Washington condamne les violences post-électorales en Guinée | Alog News | www.africalog.com

Washington condamne les violences post-électorales en Guinée

  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:79f0499bf051ad504c2bbfb9f2648ee0' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Dans un communiqu&eacute;, le porte parole du d&eacute;partement d&rsquo;Etat am&eacute;ricain condamne les violences post-&eacute;lectorales qui ont &eacute;clat&eacute; depuis la proclamation des r&eacute;sultats provisoires de l&rsquo;&eacute;lection pr&eacute;sidentielle en Guin&eacute;e par la C&eacute;ni, le lundi 15 novembre.</p>\n<p>Le leader du RPG, Alpha Cond&eacute; a remport&eacute; la victoire selon les r&eacute;sultats publi&eacute;s par le pr&eacute;sident de la C&eacute;ni. Les violences ont commenc&eacute; dans les fiefs du candidat malheureux Cellou Dalein Diallo &agrave; Conakry et&nbsp; se sont propag&eacute;es dans plusieurs localit&eacute;s du pays.</p>\n<p>Selon Philip Crowley &laquo; ces incidents n&rsquo;ont pas de place dans la soci&eacute;t&eacute; d&eacute;mocratique que la Guin&eacute;e aspire &agrave; devenir &raquo;.</p>\n<p>Les autorit&eacute;s de la transition ont d&eacute;cr&eacute;t&eacute; l\'&eacute;tat d\'urgence dans toute l&rsquo;&eacute;tendue du territoire jusqu\'&agrave; la proclamation des r&eacute;sultats d&eacute;finitifs</p>\n<p><strong>AfricaLog vous livre le communiqu&eacute; du departement d&rsquo;Etat en int&eacute;gralit&eacute;</strong></p>\n<p>&quot;STATEMENT BY PHILIP J. CROWLEY, ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS</p>\n<p>November 17, 2010</p>\n<p>Post-Election Violence in Guinea</p>\n<p>The United States condemns the violent clashes between rival political supporters in<br />\nGuinea following the November 15 announcement of the provisional presidential<br />\nelection results. Such incidents have no place in the democratic society that<br />\nGuinea aspires to become.</p>\n<p>The United States calls on Guinea\'s political leaders to urge their supporters to<br />\nrefrain from violence during the State of Emergency period implemented as of <br />\nNovember 17. We further urge those who wish to challenge the provisional results to<br />\nuse the established constitutional procedures to reconcile such disputes.</p>\n<p>The United States thanks interim President General Konat&eacute; for his efforts to<br />\nmaintain order during this period of political transition in Guinea. This outcome<br />\ndeserves the commitment and peaceful engagement of Guinea\'s political leaders and<br />\npeople.&quot;</p>\n<p>&ndash; <strong>AfricaLog.com</strong><br />\n&nbsp;</p>\n', created = 1738597640, expire = 1738684040, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:79f0499bf051ad504c2bbfb9f2648ee0' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
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Nov 17, 2010

Dans un communiqué, le porte parole du département d’Etat américain condamne les violences post-électorales qui ont éclaté depuis la proclamation des résultats provisoires de l’élection présidentielle en Guinée par la Céni, le lundi 15 novembre.

Le leader du RPG, Alpha Condé a remporté la victoire selon les résultats publiés par le président de la Céni. Les violences ont commencé dans les fiefs du candidat malheureux Cellou Dalein Diallo à Conakry et  se sont propagées dans plusieurs localités du pays.

Selon Philip Crowley « ces incidents n’ont pas de place dans la société démocratique que la Guinée aspire à devenir ».

Les autorités de la transition ont décrété l'état d'urgence dans toute l’étendue du territoire jusqu'à la proclamation des résultats définitifs

AfricaLog vous livre le communiqué du departement d’Etat en intégralité


November 17, 2010

Post-Election Violence in Guinea

The United States condemns the violent clashes between rival political supporters in
Guinea following the November 15 announcement of the provisional presidential
election results. Such incidents have no place in the democratic society that
Guinea aspires to become.

The United States calls on Guinea's political leaders to urge their supporters to
refrain from violence during the State of Emergency period implemented as of
November 17. We further urge those who wish to challenge the provisional results to
use the established constitutional procedures to reconcile such disputes.

The United States thanks interim President General Konaté for his efforts to
maintain order during this period of political transition in Guinea. This outcome
deserves the commitment and peaceful engagement of Guinea's political leaders and


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