Les États-Unis félicitent le président élu Alpha Condé | Alog News | www.africalog.com

Les États-Unis félicitent le président élu Alpha Condé

  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:83bef322c63ae13eb5033e3f378266e9' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Dans une d&eacute;claration ce vendredi 3 d&eacute;cembre 2010,&nbsp; l&rsquo;administration de Barack Obama f&eacute;licite la Guin&eacute;e pour la r&eacute;ussite de sa premi&egrave;re &eacute;lection pr&eacute;sidentielle d&eacute;mocratique depuis l\'ind&eacute;pendance il ya 52 ans. Les Etats-Unis esp&egrave;rent que d\'autres pays de la r&eacute;gion suivront l\'exemple de la Guin&eacute;e.</p>\n<p>Les &Eacute;tats-Unis f&eacute;licitent le pr&eacute;sident &eacute;lu Alpha Cond&eacute; pour sa victoire et accueillent chaleureusement son engagement &agrave; travailler et servir tous les guin&eacute;ens de toutes les ethnies et partis politiques.</p>\n<p>Les Etats-Unis sont pr&ecirc;ts &agrave; travailler avec le nouveau pr&eacute;sident pour engager les r&eacute;formes d&eacute;mocratiques, la bonne gouvernance, le respect des droits de l\'Homme, et s\'engagent &agrave; assister le nouveau gouvernement dans l\'organisation des &eacute;lections l&eacute;gislatives.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>La d&eacute;claration des Etats-Unis en int&eacute;gralit&eacute; </strong></p>\n<p>&laquo; Statement Congratulating Alpha Cond&eacute; on his Presidential Victory in Guinea</p>\n<p>STATEMENT BY PHILIP J. CROWLEY<br />\nASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS</p>\n<p>The United States Government congratulates Guinea on the successful completion of<br />\nits first democratic presidential election since gaining independence 52 years ago. <br />\nWhile the 2010 presidential race is a great leap, it is only the first step on the<br />\nroad to democratic transition and civilian rule. We hope that other countries in<br />\nthe region will follow Guinea\'s example.</p>\n<p>The United States congratulates President-elect Alpha Cond&eacute; on his victory and we<br />\nwelcome his pledge to work with and serve all Guineans, regardless of political<br />\naffiliation or ethnic background. We look forward to working with President-elect<br />\nCond&eacute; as he forges a government reflective of the needs and aspirations of all<br />\nGuineans. The United States will partner with Guinea\'s new government in meeting<br />\nthe country\'s demands for democratic reforms, human rights, and good governance. <br />\nAdditionally, the United States will continue to provide appropriate assistance and<br />\nsupport to Guinea as the new government looks toward legislative elections. &raquo;</p>\n<p>\n<strong>AfricaLog.com</strong><br />\n&nbsp;</p>\n', created = 1738775240, expire = 1738861640, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:83bef322c63ae13eb5033e3f378266e9' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
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  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:b53833714fdd17ab953e9fc89369daf9' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
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  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:9d4bc9ccac9bdc7caa37813aa0b03674' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
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Dec 04, 2010

Dans une déclaration ce vendredi 3 décembre 2010,  l’administration de Barack Obama félicite la Guinée pour la réussite de sa première élection présidentielle démocratique depuis l'indépendance il ya 52 ans. Les Etats-Unis espèrent que d'autres pays de la région suivront l'exemple de la Guinée.

Les États-Unis félicitent le président élu Alpha Condé pour sa victoire et accueillent chaleureusement son engagement à travailler et servir tous les guinéens de toutes les ethnies et partis politiques.

Les Etats-Unis sont prêts à travailler avec le nouveau président pour engager les réformes démocratiques, la bonne gouvernance, le respect des droits de l'Homme, et s'engagent à assister le nouveau gouvernement dans l'organisation des élections législatives. 

La déclaration des Etats-Unis en intégralité

« Statement Congratulating Alpha Condé on his Presidential Victory in Guinea


The United States Government congratulates Guinea on the successful completion of
its first democratic presidential election since gaining independence 52 years ago.
While the 2010 presidential race is a great leap, it is only the first step on the
road to democratic transition and civilian rule. We hope that other countries in
the region will follow Guinea's example.

The United States congratulates President-elect Alpha Condé on his victory and we
welcome his pledge to work with and serve all Guineans, regardless of political
affiliation or ethnic background. We look forward to working with President-elect
Condé as he forges a government reflective of the needs and aspirations of all
Guineans. The United States will partner with Guinea's new government in meeting
the country's demands for democratic reforms, human rights, and good governance.
Additionally, the United States will continue to provide appropriate assistance and
support to Guinea as the new government looks toward legislative elections. »


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