April 15, 2010
Hilton Tower Bridge, London
Time: 7.30pm
We will be hosting our annual Awards Dinner on Thursday April 15, 2010. The event is
to recognise and celebrate excellence in the trade finance market in 2009.
It also presents an excellent networking opportunity. During the dinner we will
present a number of awards, which will include GTR’s leaders in Trade 2009 awards
for those banks, financial institutions and insurers that have demonstrated
excellence in their field of expertise over the past year. We will also be handing
out Best Deals 2009. These are deals closed in 2009, and selected by GTR’s judging
panel as landmark transactions.
Anyone involved in either Leaders in Trade Awards or the winning Best Deals are
welcome to take a table at the ceremony. Anyone else keen to take the opportunity to
network with your market peers are also invited.
To book over the phone call Exporta Events on: +44 (0) 20 8673 9666
or email us: events@exportagroup.com