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  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:e159a4a5067828b359f2d65def6db194' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Trois heures d&rsquo;horloges ont suffi au Pr&eacute;sident de la R&eacute;publique, Alpha Cond&eacute;, de tenter de lever &laquo;les malentendus&raquo; entre son gouvernement et les leaders de l&rsquo;opposition, apr&egrave;s 11 mois de gestion du pouvoir.</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:e159a4a5067828b359f2d65def6db194' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:a524d1e01b3f5725e9d6e92ff9bc6e47' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Le premier ambassadeur de Guin&eacute;e en Angola sous l&rsquo;&egrave;re du Pr. Alpha Cond&eacute; a r&eacute;cemment pr&eacute;sent&eacute; ses Lettres de cr&eacute;ance au Pr&eacute;sident de la R&eacute;publique. Une semaine seulement apr&egrave;s son arriv&eacute;e &agrave; Luanda.</p>\n<p>Ils &eacute;taient sept (7) chefs de mission programm&eacute;s ce 24 octobre 2011, pour ce rituel diplomatique. A savoir les ambassadeurs du Kenya, du Mozambique, du Gabon, du Malawi, du B&eacute;nin, de l&rsquo;Inde et de la Guin&eacute;e.</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:a524d1e01b3f5725e9d6e92ff9bc6e47' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:599e222bfdfa525c3a9823bc2432fbeb' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Les auteurs de crimes commis pendant la crise post-&eacute;lectorale en C&ocirc;te d\'Ivoire seront &quot;poursuivis quel que soit leur bord&quot;, a assur&eacute; mardi le pr&eacute;sident ivoirien Alassane Ouattara &agrave; l\'issue d\'une visite de travail de 48 heures &agrave; Lom&eacute;.</p>\n<p>&quot;Tous ceux qui ont commis des crimes seront poursuivis quel que soit leur bord&quot;, a d&eacute;clar&eacute; M. Ouattara lors d\'une conf&eacute;rence de presse.</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:599e222bfdfa525c3a9823bc2432fbeb' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:ef5c19f4f57269fd7f464ee2a914be0e' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Dans un rapport titr&eacute; &laquo;torture la force fait loi: &eacute;tude du ph&eacute;nom&egrave;ne tortionnaire en Guin&eacute;e&raquo;, pr&eacute;sent&eacute; ce mardi 15 novembre et produit avec l&rsquo;aide de l&rsquo;Union Europ&eacute;enne par l&rsquo;Action des chr&eacute;tiens pour l&rsquo;abolition de la torture (ACAT-France), et trois ONG guin&eacute;ennes de d&eacute;fense des droits de l\'Homme &agrave; savoir l&rsquo;Association des Victimes, Parents et Amis du 28 septembre 2009 (AVIPA), les M&ecirc;mes Droits pour Tous (MDT), l&rsquo;Organisation Guin&eacute;enne de D&amp;eacute</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:ef5c19f4f57269fd7f464ee2a914be0e' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:537cf9aca2ae003bee5d631ebf877dbd' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>&laquo;Je vais les rencontrer pour qu&rsquo;on montre d&rsquo;abord que nous sommes des fr&egrave;res &hellip;&raquo;, dixit le Pr&eacute;sident de la R&eacute;publique.</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:537cf9aca2ae003bee5d631ebf877dbd' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:a7f5e86387ece9d9adb22d995a0cca3f' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Les autorit&eacute;s libyennes ont appel&eacute; lundi le Niger &agrave; revoir sa &laquo;d&eacute;cision hostile&raquo; d\'accorder l\'asile &agrave; Saadi, l\'un des fils de l\'ex-leader libyen Mouammar Kadhafi.</p>\n<p>&laquo;Le Niger ne doit pas devenir un asile pour les criminels. Nous demandons au Niger de revoir cette d&eacute;cision injustifi&eacute;e&raquo;, a d&eacute;clar&eacute; le vice-pr&eacute;sident du Conseil national de transition (CNT) et porte-parole des nouvelles autorit&eacute;s, Abdel Hafidh Ghoga.</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:a7f5e86387ece9d9adb22d995a0cca3f' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:2b76d8ff83826e7990d51f6b66ce0b05' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Comme pr&eacute;vu, les avocats de Guin&eacute;e ont organis&eacute; une marche ce lundi 14 novembre &agrave; Conakry pour exiger la comparution du Commandant S&eacute;kou Resco Camara, Gouverneur de la ville de Conakry. Ils lui reprochent d&rsquo;interf&eacute;rer dans les affaires judiciaires.</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:2b76d8ff83826e7990d51f6b66ce0b05' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:bf2121fe289109def61242afad30fd13' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Saturday, Nov. 19 at 2 p.m, National Geographic Society, Grosvenor Auditorium,1600 M Street N.W.<br />\nFarragut North and Farragut West stations. Johnnetta Betsch Cole, director of the National Museum of African Art sits with acclaimed philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah (Princeton University) to discuss and interrogate the category of race and the future of museums. Appiah shares his<br />\npersonal reflections and philosophical investigations on race and considers notions<br />\nof cultural identity and shared humanity.<br />\n&nbsp;</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:bf2121fe289109def61242afad30fd13' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:469c41641c920c70ef3e5aa4b7cbeadf' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Dans ce que le bureau de presse a qualifi&eacute; de <strong>&laquo;concertations p&eacute;riodiques avec les acteurs sociaux et politiques&raquo;, </strong>il &eacute;tait annonc&eacute; une rencontre le mardi, 15 novembre 2011, entre le Pr&eacute;sident de la R&eacute;publique, Professeur Alpha Cond&eacute; et trois (3) leaders de l&rsquo;opposition politique.</p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:469c41641c920c70ef3e5aa4b7cbeadf' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:065ab5157946acd1cded0f4fa6be3abe' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p>Ce lundi matin, joint par t&eacute;l&eacute;phone par une radio priv&eacute;e de la place, Sidya Tour&eacute;, le pr&eacute;sident de l&rsquo;Union des forces r&eacute;publicaines, UFR, l&rsquo;un des trois invit&eacute;s d&rsquo;Alpha Cond&eacute; demain 15 novembre au Palais S&eacute;khoutour&eacute;yah, a parl&eacute; de la dite invitation. Il a d&eacute;clar&eacute; qu&rsquo;ils (Cellou Dalein Diallo, de l&rsquo;UFDG, Moussa Solano, du PUP et lui) ont &eacute;t&eacute; invit&eacute;s dans <strong>&laquo;des termes extr&ecirc;mement courtois&raquo;.</strong></p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:065ab5157946acd1cded0f4fa6be3abe' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:cc4bf8fe7895e63a93108554d6c2066f' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:8d358b4f60cad10eb55f3e886dae2d0c' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:b53833714fdd17ab953e9fc89369daf9' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:609d8ae7be7a2b34891eb58ded3aa5b6' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:9d4bc9ccac9bdc7caa37813aa0b03674' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<p><a href=\"http://cialisfrance24.com/\">cialis 20mg</a></p>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:9d4bc9ccac9bdc7caa37813aa0b03674' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:f8d50c38cf1862105ad196a859f9ccc6' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:b9a3b04ce73de6f060e5033e3d0cc65f' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<div id=\"sponser_links\">\n<div id=\"face\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.facebook.com/\">Facebook</a></div>\n<div id=\"youtube\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.youtube.com/\">Youtube</a></div>\n<div id=\"twitter\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://twitter.com/\">Twitter</a></div>\n<div id=\"rss\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.africalog.com/rssfeed\">RSS</a></div>\n<div id=\"yahoo\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://in.yahoo.com/\">Yahoo</a></div>\n<div id=\"stumble\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.stumbleupon.com/\">Stumble</a></div>\n</div>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:b9a3b04ce73de6f060e5033e3d0cc65f' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:3a9c7d719b553a791adaff82a8f8ee52' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
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  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<div><a href=\"http://www.africalog.com/rssfeed\"><img src=\"http://africalog.com/sites/all/themes/africalog-frenchh/images/feed_icon.png\" alt=\"\" /></a></div>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:d7423d10e936cd32e2d5182df3dd1e4e' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
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  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<div style=\"position: absolute; left: -3329px; top: -3337px;\">\n<p>buy gabapentin online <a href=\"http://bestpillsforsale.com/buy-gabapentin-online-generic-neurontin-price/\">http://bestpillsforsale.com/buy-gabapentin-online-generic-neurontin-price/</a> buy neurontin online\n</p></div>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:33f7377102a582130a0e53aacc1267f7' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '2:018982b08c9a60c39d360086b8f4947b' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 26.
  • user warning: Table './africalo_afrilive/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<div id=\"zeederf4\" style=\"position: absolute; left: -4587px; top: -7541px;\"><a title=\"buy zithromax online\" href=\"http://infodrugsrx.com/buy-online-zithromax-cost.html\">http://infodrugsrx.com/</a></div>\n<div style=\"position: absolute; left: -5522px; top: -5555px;\"><a title=\"buy accutane online\" href=\"http://firstmdshop.com/buy-accutane-online-no-prescription-cheap-isotretinoin/\">www.firstmdshop.com/buy-accutane-online-no-prescription-cheap-isotretinoin/</a></div>\n', created = 1738612805, expire = 1738699205, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '2:018982b08c9a60c39d360086b8f4947b' in /home/africalo/public_html/includes/cache.inc on line 109.

Dans les coulisses de Sékhoutouréya, les réactions des leaders

Nov 15, 2011

Trois heures d’horloges ont suffi au Président de la République, Alpha Condé, de tenter de lever «les malentendus» entre son gouvernement et les leaders de l’opposition, après 11 mois de gestion du pouvoir.

L’ambassadeur de Guinée en Angola vient de présenter ses lettres de créance

Nov 15, 2011

Le premier ambassadeur de Guinée en Angola sous l’ère du Pr. Alpha Condé a récemment présenté ses Lettres de créance au Président de la République. Une semaine seulement après son arrivée à Luanda.

Ils étaient sept (7) chefs de mission programmés ce 24 octobre 2011, pour ce rituel diplomatique. A savoir les ambassadeurs du Kenya, du Mozambique, du Gabon, du Malawi, du Bénin, de l’Inde et de la Guinée.

Ouattara réitère que les auteurs de crimes seront poursuivis

Nov 15, 2011

Les auteurs de crimes commis pendant la crise post-électorale en Côte d'Ivoire seront "poursuivis quel que soit leur bord", a assuré mardi le président ivoirien Alassane Ouattara à l'issue d'une visite de travail de 48 heures à Lomé.

"Tous ceux qui ont commis des crimes seront poursuivis quel que soit leur bord", a déclaré M. Ouattara lors d'une conférence de presse.

Des ONG dénoncent la torture en Guinée

Nov 15, 2011

Dans un rapport titré «torture la force fait loi: étude du phénomène tortionnaire en Guinée», présenté ce mardi 15 novembre et produit avec l’aide de l’Union Européenne par l’Action des chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture (ACAT-France), et trois ONG guinéennes de défense des droits de l'Homme à savoir l’Association des Victimes, Parents et Amis du 28 septembre 2009 (AVIPA), les Mêmes Droits pour Tous (MDT), l’Organisation Guinéenne de D&eacute

Dialogue Pouvoir-Opposition: Les précisions d'Alpha Condé

Nov 15, 2011

«Je vais les rencontrer pour qu’on montre d’abord que nous sommes des frères …», dixit le Président de la République.

Tripoli demande au Niger de refuser l'asile Ă  Saadi Kadhafi

Nov 15, 2011

Les autorités libyennes ont appelé lundi le Niger à revoir sa «décision hostile» d'accorder l'asile à Saadi, l'un des fils de l'ex-leader libyen Mouammar Kadhafi.

«Le Niger ne doit pas devenir un asile pour les criminels. Nous demandons au Niger de revoir cette décision injustifiée», a déclaré le vice-président du Conseil national de transition (CNT) et porte-parole des nouvelles autorités, Abdel Hafidh Ghoga.

Les avocats dans les rues de Conakry

Nov 15, 2011

Comme prévu, les avocats de Guinée ont organisé une marche ce lundi 14 novembre à Conakry pour exiger la comparution du Commandant Sékou Resco Camara, Gouverneur de la ville de Conakry. Ils lui reprochent d’interférer dans les affaires judiciaires.

Conversation with Johnnetta Betsch Cole

Conversation with Johnnetta Betsch Cole

Saturday, Nov. 19 at 2 p.m, National Geographic Society, Grosvenor Auditorium,1600 M Street N.W.
Farragut North and Farragut West stations. Johnnetta Betsch Cole, director of the National Museum of African Art sits with acclaimed philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah (Princeton University) to discuss and interrogate the category of race and the future of museums. Appiah shares his
personal reflections and philosophical investigations on race and considers notions
of cultural identity and shared humanity.

La liste des "invités" à "Sèkhutureya" s’allonge

Nov 14, 2011

Dans ce que le bureau de presse a qualifié de «concertations périodiques avec les acteurs sociaux et politiques», il était annoncé une rencontre le mardi, 15 novembre 2011, entre le Président de la République, Professeur Alpha Condé et trois (3) leaders de l’opposition politique.

Sidya Touré: «Il n’y a pas d’autre choix que de partir avec tout le monde»

Nov 14, 2011

Ce lundi matin, joint par téléphone par une radio privée de la place, Sidya Touré, le président de l’Union des forces républicaines, UFR, l’un des trois invités d’Alpha Condé demain 15 novembre au Palais Sékhoutouréyah, a parlé de la dite invitation. Il a déclaré qu’ils (Cellou Dalein Diallo, de l’UFDG, Moussa Solano, du PUP et lui) ont été invités dans «des termes extrêmement courtois».

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